Bypass Facebook URL Block Using URL Guard Tool | Xoomato

I have finally bring it to you what many of you website owners have been looking for. Am talking about your issue of Facebook blocking your website url which won’t allow you post anything that goes with that url ever again until the Facebook team removes the block on your website url.
There’s actually several ways site owners use to make sure their url goes through and accepted on Facebook I have tried many myself and it worked but at a certain point, you see something about my tricks is using popular url shorteners like Bitly, twitter or LinkedIn url shortener and some other but they all got figured out fast by Facebook teams and bots because it drives and leads visitors to your initial url link which has been spotted and known for violating Facebook community standards don’t forget one of the strict rules of this community standards is no spamming [ unnecessary posting or sending of one particular url or message]. Sometimes you might not have violated this but yet your url is been restricted, it can happen if some users report your url for some reason of this reports comes from 8 to 15 Facebook users, Facebook will believe it to be true and block your url so you should be careful and know where you post your url.

But with this tested and working trick of mine I have been able to figure out a way how website urls that are facing this Facebook blocking can bypass and have their url on Facebook and their visitors will be able to reach the exact location on their site. This bypass trick is fully possible and lifetime guaranteed via a “ URL GUARD TOOL “.
A Url Guard Tool is a pathway website tool which connects and link a particular url link using a disguise url. For example let’s say “ ” url has been blocked on Facebook with the help of a URL GUARD TOOL it becomes ” “.
To bypass facebook url blockage, there is just one url safeguard tool i recommend for you guys, it is called ” XOOMATO “. Let’s move to the set up process so we can begin to use this service as soon as possible.
1. Visit and create a profile.

On your dashboard enter the original url and short character. #NOTE : short character is a one word to give brief explanation of what the original url is all about. The original url is the url of your website or precise website location.
3. Click on ” Secure Url ” button.

Xoomato will shorten your url, copy the url and share on Facebook.
hi maheshwar, you probably added spacing when entering desired short url.. make sure u dont add space instead use _ and make the url short